#23 - Floppy Tongue Joy

23rd Day of Halloween: Floppy Tongue Joy

Ok, I've been DYING to introduce the world to a special dachshund, named Reuben.  Reuben is quite a fascinating little (um...I mean BIG and MAJESTIC) dog.  I know, I know...what is a dog doing on this rat blog?  Well, we love all kinds of animals and are excited to have special visitors from time to time.  Plus, Reuben dressed up for Halloween!

I can't begin to describe the joy that Reuben brings to my life, and the lives of many others.  My friend, Jamie, chose the perfect name for their blog: Floppy Tongue Joy.  Reuben is a dog with a very long, very floppy tongue.  But what makes it even more joyous is that Reuben's tongue is always hanging out of his mouth, and practically dragging the ground.  He simply cannot contain his glorious tongue because he has almost no teeth to hold it in.  

Reuben is a brilliantly witty dog, and he does a fabulous job articulating his thoughts about the world around him.  He knows how to use a typewriter and he even set up his very own blog!  Now, that's a smart dog!  Let me introduce you to Reuben with these teaser pics.  Then, go take a look at his blog and say "hi".    

Meet my floppy-tongued friend, Reuben:

Reuben's Halloween Costumes:

The Tin Man...

A Gyspy...

A Gangsta, with some serious bling...


  1. I is looking very beautiful on your ratblog! I has many appreciations for you helping to share my floppy tongue, and its accompanying joy, with the world. My only question is: when I can come over and eat - no, I mean, bark at - your rats? Now that I is thinking about it, they must has too much crunchiness for my many remaining teeth. So, as a special favor to you, the only way they will has bad news is if I scares them so much with my fearsome bark that they faints from fright. Happy Halloweens!

  2. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I love this blog, and have been following for awhile. I love your rats, but also love this dog! OH MY GOD! That tongue...oh my...I howled with laughter after seeing this. Your blog always makes me laugh. We all check it out on Monday morning (where I work), and have loved seeing the Halloween countdown. You must be one of the most creative moms in the world. The photo of your son in his Halloween costume is precious; he looks so serious. Just like a real pirate!

    Kathy, from Tennesee


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